Hot Sweaty Fun

a94c3b72b9ac7f0dbb4bbdd808c3455dPlease don’t join the gym, don’t punish yourself with grueling lung punching ‘exercise’ so that you can beat yourself up in a push-pull roller-coaster of self loathing, sweat and bad food.

Life is not a punishment, hating who you are now isn’t in anyway going to help you love the person you want to become, slimmer, fitter and all of that stuff.

Life will kick you in the ass, not because it wants to, but because it’s just following your lead. You can’t hope to change your body, and expect those changes you’ve battled for, to stick, if the person inside you still feels sad, fat and angry.

I hate the word ‘exercise’, and going to the gym for most people isn’t fun, so please stop.

Instead imagine having “Hot Sweaty Fun” every day!? that’s right, whatever Hot Sweaty Fun (HSF) you can imagine, do it every day. Whatever you can think of that falls into the bracket of HSF, do at least one of those activities every day!

It could be some hot yoga, cycling like a maniac, running through a forest, climbing a big hill or tree, having sex, playing a sport, gardening, dancing to house music, swimming, the list is almost endless, but the main thing is to remind yourself of those things that you love to do, that get you moving, and start loving the experience.


You see, the experts claim that ‘exercise’ is better at curing mild depression than almost any pharmaceutical drug, or even talking therapy, such as counselling or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). That’s mainly because being physically active releases a whole bunch of ‘feel good’ drugs and increases vital blood-flow to your brain.

So wouldn’t it be better to combine that great internal drug release with physical movement and activities that you’ll love to do and enjoy doing often?

So rather than ‘exercise’ being a form of punishment for enjoying yourself too much with food and wine, your increase in physical activity could actually become a rewarding, enjoyable and healthy addition to your already life loving lifestyle?!

Being physically active, and making Hot Sweaty Fun (HSF) part of your everyday life, will definitely increase your natural internal happiness drugs and change your life for the better.

But what Hot Sweaty Fun will also do is get you back into your body, back in touch with what it means to enjoy being human, to learn to love the experience of movement, and being fully present in your physical form.

  1. Make a list of Hot Sweaty Fun activities, that you would like to do and can realistically do.
  2. Schedule at least one of those HSF Activities every day and enjoy your fun life!

Max Kohanzad

I was that kid, that when the teacher asked what you wanted to be when you grew up, answered "Happy!"