Blood Rage

What if you found out that an illegal drug was directly implicated in over 80% of violent crime? That this drug was taken at least 20 mins before the majority of murders, stabbings, shootings, random beatings and violent marital abuse? Wouldn’t you want that drug to be investigated, controlled or banned?

This drug isn’t alcohol, this isn’t Spice, or some new synthetic narcotic, this drug is Sugar, you’ve probably got it hanging around at home in your kitchen cupboard.

You may not believe it, you might be saying to yourself, what’s the harm of a bit of sugary deliciousness? the occasional naughty treat, or that wholesale secret sugar blow out? Right?

Psychologists found that children exposed to high levels of White Refined Sugar between the ages of 7 and 11 years old, where 50% more likely to burst in to rage, and behave violently as adults, compared to adults that hadn’t been exposed to Sugar.

White Refined Sugar does something to the brains of children and adults, and it’s not just that it stimulates the same brain centers as Cocaine, it also wires them for a predisposition for extreme rage and murderous violence.

There’s probably a number of reasons why it has this effect, sugar bypasses our body’s natural food processing system, and is molecularlly small enough to pass straight through into the blood stream and to the brain.

It effects the production of insulin and when our lovely drug filled dopamine sugar rush is over, we experience a sugar low,  and then the horrible triggering our adrenal glands.

This is where the extreme low mood, violence, suicidal feelings and murderous rage rears there ugly heads.

So if Happiness is something you want to have more of, and anger, road rage and low moods something you want to have less of, then making sure you don’t have a low blood sugar crash, is probably a sensible idea.

If you’re new to all this stuff, this means, generally avoiding foods that will peak your blood sugars, (with refined sugars, white breads/wheat/rice etc) and eating more of foods with complex carbohydrates, moderate amounts of good fats and proteins.





Max Kohanzad

I was that kid, that when the teacher asked what you wanted to be when you grew up, answered "Happy!"