Diffusing Anxiety

Anxiety, fear and mild panic attacks are surprisingly common, especially after a persevered argument or altercation with a friend, boss or random person. When we imagine that we’re being threatened our Fight or Flight response kicks in and we stop responding in a reasonable and calm way.

But there are lots of things, tools, tricks and techniques that can significantly reduce your general stress and anxiety, and may even work in cases of acute anxiety too.

F.E.A.R = False Evidence Appearing Real.

Often our worry and imagine the worst case scenario, and play our scenes that are often MUCH worse than the actual reality of the event we’re worrying about.

Focus entirely on something else.

Stop triggering your adrenal glands and insulin production:

  • Reduce your intake of caffeine, nicotine, coffee and tea. Replace them with Herbal Teas especially ones that contain, Chamomile and Lavender.
  • Reduce your consumption of Sugar, white flour products, such as white bread, rice and pasta. Replace them with Wholemeal versions, which are Complex Carbohydrates, good fats and protein.
  • Keep your blood sugars nice and even, if you need to, eat small and often.

Fear and anxiety come from fundamentally seeing and experiencing yourself as separate and distinct from the world, but that’s not the only way to view reality. You are One with the universe, and becoming aware of your connection and unity with others and the world will do amazing things to reduce your fear and anxiety.

Repeat to yourself for 20 mins: “I’m loved and safe just as I am”

Actively help others, for example: give bananas and clementines to the homeless? By actively going out of your way to help others, your own preoccupation with your own worries will fall away.

If the above advice doesn’t reduce your anxiety, please do contact your local C.B.T (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) practitioner.

Max Kohanzad

I was that kid, that when the teacher asked what you wanted to be when you grew up, answered "Happy!"