Happiness Diet Hack

The Happiness Diet, gives you the best chance for deep down genuine natural happiness and joy in life. It’s so easy to implement and it doesn’t cost you anything more than you’re paying for your food now. It’s not about gain or loosing weight, or increasing your muscle mass. It’s about getting happy naturally. As a Happiness coach, I’m interested in the whole person, not just career and financial success. I’ve discovered the Happiness Diet, foods that can help you feel happy for no apparent reason.

Giulia Enders in her international best selling book “Gut” explains how our gut flora and bacteria are the bodies biggest producer of serotonin the natural feel-good drug. Enders and Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride in her book “Gut and Psychology Syndrome” have gone a long way to proving the link between the gut and depression and other psychological disorders. It turns out that general antibiotics given for any number of normal medical conditions can totally wipe out our healthy gut bacteria and therefore our own natural source of feel good chemicals and drugs.  Sometimes the problem causing the depression might have a deeper more significant cause, such as hidden anger, underlying stress or a deep lack of spiritual fulfillment.

But ruling those systemic triggers out there is often a much more down to earth reason for this sudden depressive onset.

People unknowingly continue with their sugar filled, carb rich diets which in turn feeds the bad gut bacteria causing more yeast production and the weakening of the gut wall. Often this can lead to a situation called “leaky gut syndrome” where toxins that should be eliminated by the bowls are managing to get into the blood and brain causing all kinds of negative psychological effects.

But it’s not all bad news there is a way to fix the gut and replenish your gut with good powerful healthy gut bacteria.

Firstly stop eating wheat, alcohol, cheap milk and refined sugars.

If you can, don’t eat any grains or pulses for about 2 weeks (think Atkins diet with organic meats and wild fish) so that your gut wall has a chance to heal.

Secondly, you can eat most vegetables, but to aim to mainly feed your good bacteria by eating lots of:

  • Artichokes
  • Asparagus
  • Green(ish) Bananas
  • Parsnips
  • Leeks
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Endives
  • Cold potato
  • Cold rice

In addition to these pro serotonin foods and starches I would strongly recommend you increase your consumption of 100% Raw Dark Chocolate.
Drinking at least 2 Litres of Water and day a good Multi Vitamin which includes B Complex.

Thirdly invest in the best pre and pro biotics you can afford.

I strongly suggest some pro and pre biotics such as these:

Innate Response Flora 50-14” and “Prescript-Assist“. Both of these pro-biotics contain bacteria proven to increase happiness in humans.

This small article is not intended to replace sound medical advice and you will probably notice you having a bit more wind than usual, also don’t just eat Green Bananas as you will probably just get dizzy and die of a potassium poisoning, so be warned.

If you’d like to know more and get really deeply happy then book an initial consultation with Max.

Max Kohanzad

I was that kid, that when the teacher asked what you wanted to be when you grew up, answered "Happy!"