Mid Life Crisis?
Are you feeling low? Lost your VaVa Voom?
It may not be a classical Mid Life Crisis, it could be something far more scary.
Evolution would have you dead by 40 years old, so if you want to live, and I mean really feel alive, moving beyond 40, you’re going to have to become a Warrior, and sorry to say but you’re going to have to leave behind your previous lazy King-lite lifestyle.
Right now whether you realise it or not, you’re probably living like a King, and that’s not a good thing.
You’re comfortable, you enjoy the good things in life, you’re taking it easy (but still working too hard and getting stressed), you consume too much meat and dairy, (like the Kings of old who died young) and you’re not physically, mentally or spiritually challenging yourself.
You might have gained a couple of extra bits of “luxury” fat, you might notice that you get pissed off and angry at almost anything, drinking too much, not sleeping well. You just don’t feel motivated to take on the world, like you used to.
Men often come to me in their “Mid Life Crisis” but it’s not really an existential, identity crisis or depression, but the root cause is actually a natural lowering of Testosterone! Which usually starts in their Mid 30’s.
And instead of buying a Porsche, getting a new GF this is what I’d actually recommend:
- Lose weight get down to 15% body fat (try fasting)
- Stop eating Wheat and sugar (swap beer? for dry red wine ?/ ideally avoid alcohol)
- Don’t wear tight fitting underwear or trousers ? (go commando)
- Lift heavy weights and take Ashwagandah supplements (cortisol blocker)
- Prioritise regular deep sleep
- Reduce and eliminate any unnecessary stress (get a life coach)
- Eat Brazil nuts (good fats)
- Play with your nuts and exercise your equipment
- Eat lots of organic wilted spinach
- Get more Zinc in your diet.
Becoming a WARRIOR isn’t a choice, it’s an absolute necessity!
As men get older, we must lean into ever greater physical challenges and even deeper spiritual growth.