Posture Positive

When you’re feeling happy, confident and hopeful, something happens to your body, its posture changes, your chest maybe open, your face smiling and eyes twinkling, your body-langue changes.

Hundreds of groups of muscles and tendons work together seamlessly without you even knowing, and you magically stand out above those around you, you seem deeply grounded, you exude something magnetically mesmerizing, there’s a bounce in your step makes it appear that don’t walk but rather you float effortlessly from one place to the next.

Any people around you instantaneously react to your posture, and they feel comforted and even attracted to it.

But it works the other way around too! Simply by consciously choosing to hold Positive Postures for a couple of minuets, your brain starts to produce the drugs that would have normally accompanied the posture. So by simply standing happy, you can feel happy, holding power poses makes you feel powerful.

The same is true for smiling too, if you force yourself to grin and smile, your brain will start to produce the internal drugs that make you feel like smiling.

So if you’d like a bit of a jump start to feeling happier today, make Positive Posturing, and fake smiling part of your morning or daily routine, stand large, smile and grin like an inane laughing Buddha or Cheshire cat, The lesson to take away is, when it comes to happiness you can, Fake It Until You Make It!


Max Kohanzad

I was that kid, that when the teacher asked what you wanted to be when you grew up, answered "Happy!"